Ready Or Not — FreeGold: The Real New World Order

Heads Up — Incoming!

Don Juan
7 min readNov 22, 2016


Warning: this information may challenge the way you think about money and finance!

I bet not many of you readers have even a clue about what the title of this missive means, or even is about, am I right? Well, I won’t keep you guessing — it’s merely about how the world as we know it is closing in on a radical transformation before our collective eyes, no less. Bet ya didn’t see that one coming, hey.

Oh oh. Maybe not just a bit of light reading for some of your spare time entertainment! If I’m even close to being correct, reading this could actually really improve your chances of leveraging your future ‘well being’ for the very better.

How many of you don’t know the following and what it means for your financial well being? (BTW, these are facts, not theory)

  • The global financial system is composed of Debt Based Fiat (so called ‘money’)
  • The global Central Bank (CB) massive ongoing monetary extraordinary ‘QE’ type printing operations are a sure proof of a deep systemic financial system existential crisis
  • In a debt based fiat system, so called ‘Growth’ is actually more…yep, DEBT
  • Printing (more debt) to solve a ‘too much debt’ problem is…well, crazy, right?
  • A debt based fiat system MUST eventually collapse due to compounding interest
  • Lowering global interest rates delayed, but can’t prevent the inevitable…yep — collapse!
  • When a single country controls the global reserve currency (US$) there is a Big festering problem
  • A debt based fiat system is inherently highly Leveraged which is great until it reaches a ‘tipping point’, at which point it collapses quickly
  • A highly leveraged system absolutely requires ‘growth’ and when it doesn’t get it (like Now) it must soon resort to Helicopter Money’ (HM) to goose the slowing consumption. This is called fiscal pumping and is about to start in earnest (Japan first?). The Trump plan includes massive amounts of more fiscal printing Debt.
  • When HM begins, we are very close to the END!

Now if you got the idea from those points that your financial wellbeing could be at risk, you wouldn’t be far wrong.

People, I’m not saying/predicting the end of the world, ok — just the end of this current global fiat debt based system. It’s end is guaranteed due to a fatal flaw (which BTW has caused ALL PRIOR fiat systems to collapse in the same way this iteration will — hyper-inflation). I’m sure you are all dying to know what that flaw is, aren’t you? It is simply this: that because all fiat currencies are now debt based, meaning that they are borrowed into existence at interest from the CB’s (which are Privately owned, Not government entities) , ‘growth’ is absolutely required (because it is essentially a ponzie scheme) and also in order to pay the accruing interest payments on all prior issuance. This means an ever growing debt balance until the ‘magic’ of compounding interest eventually causes the debt to grow exponentially into a hyper-inflationary collapse event. This is mathematically certain, and the only question is how long before the said collapse (as explained — a feature not a glitch). By ‘printing’, what the real reason for doing that besides bailing out the banking system, was to extend the fiat timeline as long as possible. BUT, and this is critical to understand, they could in so doing only extend the timeline but NOT prevent its eventual hyper-inflationary end (because the compounding interest growth rate was slowed down but will still mathematically eventually grow to infinity).

For those of you lacking the knowledge to understand whether this information is true and what it means if it is, you would be well advised to get yourselves up to speed as soon as you can. I am offering a totally free ebook which I’m convinced will offer the quickest and most efficient ways of doing just that. It is possibly The most important (and virtually Unknown) book available for your financial health!!!


Book snipets:

Quick question, “How many of you are sure that the bits of paper/coins you have in your pocket/wallet or those numbers you see on your bank statement are ‘money’? For yes, put up your hands. Thought so. Well, I’ve got some important and surprising news for you.

I know that most people are pretty sure they have a good take on what money is, right, (and most would like more of it). Was it Mark Twain who said that “it isn’t what you don’t know that will hurt you the most, but rather thinking you know something, but actually don’t”, or words to that effect? So how does that relate to the money thing, you ask? Well, if I’m correct that most of you actually don’t know sh*t about money even though you are sure you do, well, that little fact is likely to bite you (you know where) unless you take a little time to educate yourselves.”

“What is required to get the ‘growth’ is increased consumption. That is always in unlimited potential demand, so the only limit is public discretionary income. The peak in discretionary income has passed due to compounding debt (delayed/limited by falling rates) and the limit to falling rates is close due, as we said, to the negative effects on banks. To get the necessary increase in discretionary income can only happen two ways; higher wages orHelicopter Money (HM). Higher wages would require an increase in the global ‘growth’ rate, which comes full circle.

So the ONLY OPTION at present and foreseeable future is Helicopter Money (HM). That scenario is attractive on a number of fronts. It is simply an extension of the long embedded ‘ponzie’ idea of ‘something for nothing’, which is a fit with a global financial fiat ponzie scheme/welfare state like ours. It is politically attractive (who won’t be happy to get free money!) fitting right in with buying votes. It offsets the growing public issue of moral hazard bailout resentment. First movers get the most benefit, and Japan has long held that role, so that is likely going to be who kicks it off. The guaranteed hit to the currency is seen as a positive for the wanted ‘inflation’ and increased exports. If this is correct, it will trigger a ‘crackup asset BOOM’ out of currency into real assets which will make what we’ve seen so far look tame. (leading to hyper-stagflation collapse IMO) I’m sure that the current global ‘risk on’ rally in assets is the early stage of this coming ‘BOOM’, (front run by knowledgeable connected wealthy) which is happening against a dire and worsening global fundamental/economic backdrop as all the commentators are happily recounting. Everyone likes higher asset markets and lower rates, so ‘rock on’. What could possibly go wrong!”

“I think the quickest, easiest, and simplest way to prove to you that Freegold as described is coming, is by pointing out that in a way it is already in existence, and in a major form.

By very careful study for over three decades employing the best financial minds, the designers of the latest modern fiat incarnation were well aware of the deep factors behind the Freegold concept, and they in fact built it into their creation. They had three goals. They wanted to avoid the mistakes inherent in the US dollar, they wanted to be a viable alternative reserve currency, and they also wanted to protect themselves from the coming demise of the dollar as the global reserve currency. The Freegold type currency system that they put in place is called the EURO. Yes, that’s right, the EURO. Bet you didn’t realize that, did you?”


