The Call Of The Freedom Quest

Don Juan
6 min readMay 21, 2021

Part 2

I once read a book that turned out to be an important ‘dot’ in my picture of the world and how best to navigate it. It was called ‘Games People Play’. It pointed out that we could look at how humans live as ‘games’ they play. It said the main games could be given the names “Family Game, Business Game, Professional Game, Worker Game, Religious Game, and what it called the master game, the Spiritual Game. It just came to me that we could use this framework to go deeper, with the aim of exploring a major challenge we all face, that being life Navigation.

Because we are sovereign, unlike other animals, we are faced with a unique challenge, that being how to conduct ourselves to optimize our time here this time around. Other animals don’t have this difficulty, as they have no choice but to live according to their Nature as given them by their creator. It could be said that the size and complexity of our brains (by many orders of magnitude the most complex structures known) allow us many unique and powerful possibilities, and at the same time engender a number of challenges and dangers. I have been exploring some of these with you, and this is a continuation. I have noted that one of our main challenges is that we are all born into a societal construct that has been extant for all known recorded history. It is a challenge, rather than an asset, due to the nature of its construction, based as it is organized for the advantage of those few who possess and control the wealth and power, at the expense of the vast majority. The structure, which I will continue to refer to as the ‘Matrix’, does provide some advantages, which the ‘conditioning’ or so called education highlights and accentuates, while at the same time has some costs, which are either ignored or minimized and distorted using various ways and means. Thus the majority of the masses are ‘convinced’ that even if they could choose a different radical approach, which most fail to see as possible, it wouldn’t offer as much ‘value’ as that found within the matrix, and the difficulties encountered by leaving the matrix are seen to be highly problematic and not worth engaging.

Getting back to the idea of using the ‘game’ metafor, we can think of it like this. There is an old wisdom teaching (can’t remember the name) that says “There are wheels within wheels”. So here we say there are ‘Games’ within ‘Games’. Let’s observe that the core game is the Survival game. Once that is attained, there are the (hunger?) games which have as their aim ‘Thriving’. (some already mentioned — “Family Game, Business Game, Professional Game, Worker Game, Religious Game, and what the author called the master game, the Spiritual Game.) Also there are the power games, like wealth and politics. There is the fame game and the sports game. Many play multiple games, or different games at different times in their lives. Those who are world class matrix game players gain great success, which usually opens up opportunities to play other games, and usually includes a good deal of monetary reward. The only game this usually fails to apply to is the Spirit game.

Now why did the book call the Spiritual game the Master? First we note that all the other games are found and played within the Matrix, which itself could be called a meta game or game platform. Because Spirit is outside the Matrix, so too is the true game of the Spiritual. I believe that is why the spirit game player named Jesus said “I’m in the world, but not of the world.” So that makes the game of Spirit much more physically challenging, at least, because, since it is played outside the matrix, it gets no direct support from the physical world, which is operated from and controlled by the matrix structure, and in fact must deal with opposition from those within it. Next, every game has rules/laws and judges/referees/controllers which govern it, and those within the matrix, being material, are accessible to our senses, so are well known and easily understood. The rules and laws and referee(s) of the Spirit game are, by contrast, non material, and therefore not subject to our senses, and additionally are the subject of many conflicting belief structures (religions/philosophies), which all makes for a much more challenging environment than all the material games. Because the games within the matrix are limited, as is the matrix, so too the rewards, even though they may be materially large. Conversely, the game of Spirit is played within the unlimited, and therefore so too are the potential rewards unlimited.


How does one get to play the game of Spirit, where Love, Truth, Justice, Freedom and Virtue reign? It’s simple (but unfortunately not easy or cheap). Anything of real value has a commensurate price, correct. Since energy acts, simply stop expending energy playing games within the matrix, which are invariably energy drains, pay whatever price that requires, and one’s enhanced energy will naturally move towards the only place remaining, Spirit. For is the matrix a place where anyone can find Joy, Freedom and Fulfilment, making it worthy of our precious time and lifeblood? Let’s take a close look.

This is what I see. What about you?

Imagine you see an advertisement (by reverend Musk ) for a new community on Mars that says this. Would you expect him to get any takers?

“Dear Friend and prospective comrade. The new matrix community you are invited to join is planned to be organized like this. A hierarchical structure designed by and for the few power elites at the top, (like myself) and at the expense of all of you below. It is held in place by both conditioning, and imposed laws, rules and regulations (which the elites are not subject to, BTW) enforced globally by many millions of armed military and police, under threat of imprisonment and violence. It enforces imposed massive taxes and fees, superimposed upon a population who are strongly encouraged to become debt slaves, and who are then under continual serious pressure to ‘work’ to pay the debts. There is and will remain widespread and deep endemic corruption of all kinds from the top down. Monetary gain is heavily promoted in every way as the primary path to freedom and happiness, while, even if it were true, (which it is not) the main ingredients necessary to achieve them are in very short supply, those being major talent, superior intellect, sufficient capital, and the free time to learn and employ them. This creates a pressurized and highly stressful environment, which causes widespread chronic illness. The medical profession is corrupted by the pharmaceutical industry and treats only symptoms, thus ensuring no lasting health solution. The world is fragmented into nations, regions and individuals who compete with each other, under constant threat of sanctions and military violence by the major players who possess large numbers of weapons of mass destruction, which could destroy civilization at the press of a button within hours. Everyone is from birth conditioned (mentally infected) to fight and compete with each other for limited resources within this vile structure, (by playing one or more of the the ‘hunger games’) and somehow convinced that when they ‘win’ (becoming rich) they will find Fulfillment, Happiness, Love and Freedom. In order to cope with this horror, everyone continually numbs their pain by distractions, overwork, and self medicating, becoming lifelong unhealthy addicts in the process. One of the consequences of living in and coping with this monstrosity is that intimate relationships invariably fail to produce lasting Love and nurture, quite quickly devolving into animosity and separation. And all this is continually passed down to the children from generation to generation.”

Thank you very much Elon. Where do I sign up and how much does it cost? BTW, are fries, a Tesla and Bitcon included?

This is, I believe, a broadly accurate general description of the current global social structure. And the utterly amazing thing is that few see through all this and find a way out! Why? That is the question demanding a true answer and the challenge we all face. I believe it is necessarily a matter of insufficient energy. It has been shown that 50% of the conditioning is complete by age 4, and fully implemented by puberty. McDonalds has a company motto. “Get them while they are young, and we have them as customers for life.” So due to the early conditioning, by the time we mature we are already so energetically debilitated that few can recover sufficiently to find their way to freedom. Who will do it? Those who can!



Don Juan

Personal growth consultant and online marketer